
Детальная информация

С 568
Гольман, Т. И.
Formation of human capital in the organization / Т. И. Гольман, В. Бэйти //  Современное коммуникационное пространство: анализ состояния и тенденции развития : [в 2 ч.] : материалы Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. (Новосибирск, 26-28 апр. 2017 г.) / под ред. И. В. Архиповой ; [редкол.: Е. Н. Богданчикова, Т. С. Федосова, А. В. Харламов] ; Новосиб. гос. пед. ун-т, Ин-т рекламы и связи с общественностью. - Новосибирск : НГПУ, 2017. - Ч. 1. - С. 103-106. - Библиогр.: с. 106 (7 назв.). - Доступна эл. версия в ЭБС НГПУ. - URL: https://lib.nspu.ru/views/sbo/32859/read.php (дата обращения: 19.05.2024) .
    Пункт выдачи: абонемент № 1
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In the conditions of increasing competition, the role of a person in the organization increases, this presupposes not only the effective formation and development of human resources, but also the effective use of human capital. One of the important tasks of the organization is to improve the recruitment system to obtain the necessary qualified staff. The article examines examples of the development of human capital through recruitment and hiring of personnel in an international company, which undoubtedly provokes interest, as in the context of globalization the human resources management system acquires new features due to the need to operate effectively in many countries of the world.

hiring of personnel
human capital
human resource management
organization of recruitment in IBM
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