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Тырышкина, Е. В.
Эстетика декаданса в русской литературе (1890-е - 1900-е гг.) [Электронный ресурс] / Е. В. Тырышкина //  The Art-Sanat Journal. - 2016. - Special Issue. - С. 319-333. - Библиогр.: с. 141 (17 назв.). - Доступна эл. версия в ЭБС НГПУ. - URL: https://lib.nspu.ru/views/sbo/24239/read.php (дата обращения: 01.02.2025) .
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Decadence, or superior symbolism or diabolical symbolism, may be characterized as virtual discourse of self-communication: this is dialogue between the author’s empirical ego and his transcendent counterpart. The breakthroughs to ‘the other self” were modeled using various destructive practices. The mimetic principles of decadence are based on engraving the phantoms of subjective changed conscience, whereas its artistic form should be as “disembodied” as possible, transparent and indicating another being created as a form of thought

дьяволический символизм
русская литература
русский символизм
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